1. Thanks for sharing your story Nancy and giving us a close up view of the power of God’s grace when we truly do trust in His way. What a gift you’ve given many. To take this great sorrow and allow God to use it in service and ministry to others as made it all count for good.

    God has me in a place of doing some extraordianry things. Extraordinary because they are new and uncharted for me. It would be easy to fear the future, but if I stay in the moment focused on Him – everything falls into place. It’s just like learning to walk on water, knowing that if I keep my eyes focused on Him, all things are possible. Praising God today for all that He has ‘already set aside’ for each of us.

    Bless you.

    • Nancy Thompson

      Tami, “unchartered waters” are indeed God’s speciality and I am convinced He purposefully leads us into these deep waters….knowing full well we will either sink or swim depending on whether we will choose to focus on Him….regardless of……whatever! Stay true to your heart’s calling….exciting days are yet ahead!

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