Superhuman…super moms, super women! Or…not really!

Superhuman…super moms, super women! Or…not really!

“Surely God is my help; The Lord is the one who sustains me.”  Psalm 54:4

  Yesterday I saw a phenomenal sight while driving.  It was at the Indian Lake entrance ramp onto Hwy 386.  A construction worker was standing on a slope with raised arms fully extended out.  He appeared to be supporting a large concrete slab approximately 8 feet x 20-30 feet high…miraculously balancing it with his bare hands.  It was one of those superhuman images which your mind uses to play tricks on you.

In the few seconds I had to mentally assess this phenomenon, I was able to add more visual information for my brain to process.  A relatively small clamp was attached to the top edge of this solid plane, and connected to this apparatus was a cable suspended from a crane.  In reality the crane operator, sitting in the cab, was the one suspending the 2-3 ton concrete slab.  This virtually unseen force held the controls in his hands, while the apparent super hero on the slope below seemed to be carrying the weight all by himself.

So many times we are told to “be strong!” in the midst of a raging battle within (sometimes without as well.)  We look at how others are handling a difficult time in their lives and think…”wow, they’re strong.”  When all the while what we don’t acknowledge is that we have no strength on our own.  Whatever strength is evident comes from the unseen hand of God lifting and carrying the weight.  Paul realizing where his strength came from said, “It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness…I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.” 2 Corinthians 10:10 The Message

I shared this with my nine year-old grandson today and he said, “Yeah Nana, it’s like Samson in the Bible.  When God was with him he was super strong, but when he disobeyed God, his strength was gone and he couldn’t do anything.”

Prayer: Oh LORD God Almighty, keep me mindful of your presence in my life, and the strength You alone give for the day.  And may I seek you early in the morning with a heart surrendered to You.

Please share a time this super-human “hand of God” became evident to you as you struggled to carry a load bigger and heavier than you could possibly handle.  How about today?  Are you trying to be strong for the sake of…..children, family, work relations, your marriage?  Are you trying to hold it together lest everything fall apart?  Try raising your outstretched arms and heart to Jesus, and allow Him to be your strength for the day…the task…your life.



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