Opportunities to Serve

“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” Romans 12:4-6a

Long Hollow Women desires to meet you where you are and take you to where God wants you to be…a fully devoted follower of Christ. Part of being a fully devoted follower means using the gifts God has given you in service to others. We have several ways you can get involved at Long Hollow and in our community.

Serving Opportunities

LH Kids
Small group leaders are needed on Sundays during all services and on Wednesday nights for Kaleid. They also need volunteers to help with crafts on Wednesday nights.

Contact | Angie.hurst@longhollow.com or kristen.siske@longhollow.com.

LH Preschool
Volunteers are needed in the baby and toddler rooms on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. and all ages during the Team PM services.

Contact | Tricia.hicks@longhollow.com or Cyndi.harp@longhollow.com

Ministry Opportunities


Rescue 1 (Anti-Trafficking)
Volunteers can join either our Monday or Wednesday team that goes into the community to minister directly to those vulnerable of being trafficked. Other ways to get involved include donating food for the teams to prepare, cooking the food that will be delivered across the community, and praying for the teams and those they encounter each week.

Contact | cory.haney@longhollow.com | http://rescue1global.org/


Grace Place:

Grace Place logoGrace Place Ministry, Inc. is a local faith-based non-profit organization in Hendersonville, TN that serves single mothers and their children who are experiencing homelessness. We provide shelter and an array of different services to help our guests journey through the healing process while also equipping them toward self-sufficiency.

Our Program includes:

  • Shelter, safety, and food
  • Customize financial literacy training
  • Parenting classes
  • Job skill training
  • Computer skill training
  • Peer and/or professional counseling
  • Children’s programs
  • Health screenings

Contact info:

Grace Place accepts volunteers on an as needed basis. There is an application process and all potential volunteers must consent to a background check. Please contact Desneige VanCleve at 615-881-3976 or dvancleve@graceplaceministryinc.org if you are interested in serving at our ministry.


Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center

cpcEstablished to support those experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, minister healing to those who have experienced abortion, and uphold their truth to the community through abstinence education. They provide free pregnancy tests, prenatal and parenting classes, maternity and baby items. Volunteer opportunities include cleaning, lawn maintenance, making donations and more.

Contact: ccpchope@bellsouth.net | http://ccpchope.org/


Long Hollow: Hillcrest Campus

At the Hillcrest outreach, you have an opportunity to experience the dramatic workings of Jesus and the body of Christ as you walk in teams through an economically diverse neighborhood, bringing hope, healing, and love door to door. Through weekly visits, we’re engaging in relationships, developing bonds, and meeting the needs of this lovely community full of families and individuals struggling to survive in a broken world. We seek to bless but inevitably, the blessing is ours!

Contact Christine Winslow or Jackie McDonald.

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