Hi, friends! Thanks again for joining us as we walk through the book of Colossians this summer. For this week’s post, I loved having Jennifer Landrith with me to talk through how she has been “strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy giving thanks to the Father … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week One!

Hello, friends! Here’s our first installment of this summer’s study of Colossians. I am so excited to walk through this book with you I can barely stand it! For those who were unable to join us for last week’s Women’s Gathering (5/29), you were missed! A quick bit to catch you up: RHYTHMS is a new … [Read more…]
The Certainty of Hope in Christ

One of our women’s Bible study groups have been studying together through the book of Romans. We have had a wonderful 14 weeks together, having learned so much and experienced a fresh falling of God’s grace on our lives and in our midst as we have spent time with Him personally in His word, and … [Read more…]
Soothing a Troubled Heart

How does one describe the voice of God? God speaks to us through His Word…a silent probing of the heart. He witnesses to us through His creation…as the heavens declare His majesty and the oceans resound with a steady applause. But what about the unexpected glimpses into God’s heart as He soothes a troubled soul … [Read more…]
Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul.

Hello Ladies! Below is a post written from my sweet Momma. She has been in the hospital due to numerous health complications, but I had to let everyone read about her faith in the Lord. I pray you are encouraged and inspired through her courageous heart and trust in our Savior! Always remember, He is … [Read more…]
Trusting God

When our daughter was a little girl, she would stand on the shore and wait for wave of seawater to wash over her feet and then quickly retrieve back out to sea. This was her idea of playing in the ocean. Anything over her toes was too deep and too terrifying. One day, her dad … [Read more…]
Reflections & Hope
I know a lot of you felt like I did when our women’s event, “Truth or Dare,” ended Sunday night. It was too soon! I wasn’t ready to go yet. What’s been working in your heart and mind in these few days following? I’m thinking a lot of us girls need to process and talk, … [Read more…]