As a woman, do you remember when you first KNEW God had called you to serve Him in a particular way? Scripture shows us we are to serve…just check out Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which He prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” This happens to be my life verse! But we also discover over time that He has particular ways in which He wants us to serve Him.
In a November 2011 HomeLife magazine article, author Angela Bisagnano gives 3 important points to help women find their calling:
- Live an examined life
- Clarify your giftedness and passion
- Live an intentional life
If you are at a point where you are not sure you are where God is calling you, follow these ideas above. Check out where God is at work in your life right now and what it took for you to be at that place. What experiences have you had that taught you what you know? Next, look at how God has uniquely gifted you and given you specific interests that connect with what you’ve learned. Then intentionally spend time with God, asking Him to guide you daily to places where He desires you to be. Ask Him to connect your uniqueness with the needs in the world around you to live out your calling.
We have responsibilities that we must fulfill each day, and some just come with the place in life and ministry where we are. But, where are you spending the bulk of your time? Are you investing the major part of your resources into where God has called you, or are you just doing everything anyone around you asks you to do?

The big scope of living out your calling happens on a daily basis…not just that BIG thing you keep waiting for. Watch for where God is at work around you right now, every day, and ask Him to specifically show you which of those opportunities He wants you to connect with.
Once He begins to show you the long range plan for using you to impact His kingdom, focus on that by getting trained, watching for opportunities and by praying and seeking His Word on a daily basis to see where it all intersects. Then, help the women in your church discover their calling as well. See the resources below for more help on living out your calling for Christ!
Chris Adams
Lifeway Senior Lead Women’s Ministry Specialist
Is God Calling Me, Jeff Iorg
The Power of the Call, Henry T. Blackaby & Henry Brandt
Beautifully Gifted: Equipping Today’s Women for the High Calling of God, Angela Bisignano
Women Reaching Women, Chris Adams