My heart is full as I write this. Many of you are rejoicing in today, many are mourning. My heart breaks knowing that the latter are aching and desperately longing for true love. Our world is infiltrated with the longing and need for love. It’s at our core. You may be single, divorced, or even married and are aching for a true love today and a gentle touch to remind you that you are worth something. You heart is throbbing with anxiety and tears fall from your eyes. This day can be a heart-breaker or a heart-filler. I pray, in the name of Jesus, that today will be full for you!
We search and search and give ourselves away to people and things, even to reckless emotions, all the while we miss love right before our eyes. This post has been inspired by a beautiful song that has wrecked my life. “Jesus at the Center of it all.” I realized this morning as I was studying God’s Love Letter to us, His Word, that it’s all about Jesus.
There’s a matchless love that none can live up to. It is infinitely beyond words and it goes on and on and on and on and on. (I think you get my point here, but I can say that times infinity!) It never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on us. It if faithful and true when all else fails. It has no beginning and no end. It makes all love stories pale in comparison because this love died for us. This love is perfect, and it’s name is Jesus.
In Biblical times, His name was Yeshua, meaning deliverer and rescuer. There’s a reason that as little girls and women we long for a prince charming to ride in on a white horse and sweep us off our feet! Our Creator, Elohim, created us with this desire and need. He is the only One who can completely fill the void in our hearts. HE is our Prince Charming, our First Love, our Perfect Valentine. And He is not limited to a day and is not based on conditions. His love endures forever!
He came for us and rescued us from our misery and sin. He cleansed us with the washing of His Word. He loves us when we fall and picks us up when we are struck down. And some day, He will ride in on His white horse with the name written on Him
Faithful and True
and He will be clothed in a robe dipped in blood and on that robe will be the name King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Yes, women of faith, that is Jesus. And, yes, He is the satisfier of your soul. Ache no more, for His love fills you to overflow. Cry no more, for He collects those tears in a bottle and whispers to you the truest, most faithful words:
“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”
~Jeremiah 31:3
Give Him your heart today. He created it and will fill it with hope and joy in His presence.
Your Sister in Christ,
What a truly inspirational piece for today. Yes, I believe everything you wrote AND it is reaffirming to hear some one else say it. Thank you for these words today. I agree with you …either a woman loves this day or does not. Too often the reason for loving this day is due to one’s happiness in a relationship with the opposite sex. Your piece was a great reminder that even if you are happy in a relationship, this still can be AND should be a special day with our Lord. All you have to do is open your heart to His love.
Have a great day!