1. Jenny Patton

    I am going with the Uganda team that is leaving on Friday, so this was a much needed moment this morning. Thank you so much for sharing. And yes, I have prayed several times already that I would be able to be the hands and feet of Christ. Thanks for the reminder that it is a powerful prayer and I need to be prepared to be used in a powerful way!

    • I am so excited for you Jenny.
      Praying for you right NOW as you prepare to go.
      Open your heart as wide and you can and then let God open it wider.
      Expect Him to be Who is says He is.
      Bless you –

    • Thanks Robyn. You would have loved our Haitian Treehouse for the week. 13 team members, 180 kids, and God’s hand at work. Bless you for giving us the inspiration to Pray. Love. Tell. Jesus.

  2. “We are raw and vulnerable before each other and the God we serve.”

    Today I am raw and vulnerable, in a recoil of fear – knowing that I will be forever changed in December 2013. It’s not a bad kind of fear; it’s more like a fear standard, coming deep from my genetic and ministry roots. My grandparents lived each day to serve, and when they could no longer due to physical infirmities – the one’s they served served them.

    I’m envisioning a radical thermostat of change on the horizon, for me. I’m ready.

    • And I will be right there with you – holding your hand and feeling God rock us from head to toe.

      My heart is so full of joy that you will be with us in December!

      I. Can’t. Wait.

      Love you deeply!

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