In Case You Haven’t Heard…

I’ve been feeling very nostalgic lately. Twenty- six years ago today, I gave birth to my second child, my first and only daughter, Lauren Elizabeth! Her entrance into the world rocked ours! She followed her brother by 14 months. Needless to say, I was a busy Mom with a toddler and infant.

Fast forward, twenty-five years, 354 days, March 29, 2014 to be exact, and Lauren gave birth to our first grandson, Hayes Daniel Miglin. Be still my heart is all I have to say when that baby burst forth on the scene! This little boy has taken my love to a whole ‘notha level! He definitely makes my heart melt!photo

I had the privilege of being there when Hayes was born and then staying with Jason, Lauren and Hayes for the first week of his life. What a blessing it was to watch as the two of them cared for this new little life that had entered their home.  It brought back many memories of having to learn how to parent by trial and error! You can read all the books written on parenting available, many of them are helpful, but every child is different and you have to learn each child and how to best meet their individual needs.

Jason and I tag teamed changing diapers and taking Hayes to Lauren for feeding. There were many things that we could do for him, but some things only his mom could do! Lauren had a long labor and delivery and was exhausted after the process so we tried to help as much as possible so that she could rest in the in between times!

As I watched them, I was reminded of the awesome privilege and responsibility of being a parent. Just a couple of days before Hayes’ birth, I saw a post on someone’s Facebook wall about being a missional Mom. I have to admit, if I had it to do all over again, my goal would be to be more missional in my parenting. I hope I do a better job at being Juju! J

Here is a link to the article: Take a minute to read it and be encouraged in your role as a mom! So often we get bogged down in the mundane of washing, cleaning, cooking, refereeing, doctoring…that we forget the impact we can make in the lives of the children God gives us.

Keeping an eternal perspective helps remind us that it is only by the grace of God that any of us can do this anyway!

Even if you’re not a mom, this article is a good one to read because there are probably children in your life that you can pour into and help be a spiritual mom to them.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4

One Comment

  1. Tami Heim

    Beautiful message. Beautiful baby.
    Congrats and blessings on this wonderful new addition to the family! He looks like a Juju’s boy for sure.
    Love you friend!

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