All You’ll Ever Need

Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. – Philippians 4:13
It’s a tumultuous venture, this walking by faith. At one time or another, you encounter the completely unexpected, followed by the unthinkable. And when it happens, the impact of it brings you to your knees, able to utter only one desperate word –


It’s an intense battle when you’re that overwhelmed. First there’s shock and anger, then comes denial,

“This can’t be what my great, almighty, and loving God has planned for me – not me, not His beloved child.”

You survey the situation and know there must be many different options – better ones. You wonder why God doesn’t see them. Perhaps if you just go slow and lay out the alternatives for Him – each and every one of them – you’ll help Him figure out how to reverse what’s been put in motion…

But is that God’s plan?

It’s the seventh century BC. God commissions Habakkuk to be His prophet during this troubled time. God’s ready to release His judgment and destroy Judah. To accomplish the task, He plans to enable the corrupt Babylon military machine. God informs Habakkuk what He intends to do. Instead of Habakkuk going to the people with the warning – he comes right back at God.

He challenges, wrestles, and implores God to reconsider.

“Why would You use such a wicked, unrighteous, and godless nation to destroy Your own people? Surely there’s a different way to restore the heart of your people to You?“

Ask enough questions, suggest options, and perhaps God will pursue a different approach.

But that’s not God’s plan.

Habakkuk prays, waits, and listens. He focuses his absolute attention on God and as he does; worship replaces his worry and bewilderment transforms into trust. He nestles deep within the sovereignty of God. Instead of resisting, he embraces the plan.

No more questions. He has faith that whatever happens has its place and purpose in the master plan. Regardless of the outcome, he now realizes God is more than enough – more than enough for him.

God longs for you to realize the same in your troubled times – to pray, wait, listen, worship and trust Him. To rest and fully embrace that where you are is exactly where God plans for you to be.

God wants you to know that He is so much bigger than all the desperate and tragic situations in this life. He wants you to know He is always with you and for you.

His blessing isn’t found in what He gives or takes away. You find it as you abide in Him.

So how do you move forward?

• Ask Him to align your heart with His.
• Believe His Word.
• Trust Him.
• Count it all joy.
• Embrace Him as your absolute EVERYTHING.
He who has God has everything; he who has everything but God has nothing. – St. Augustine


  1. Nancy Thompson

    This is soooo absolutley true. It is in the midst of the struggles in life, when we choose to trust regardless of what we see, feel or the absence of both…it is here where we learn to abandon ourselves in His presence. It is here we find the very breath of God infusing us with His life, strength and peace. Thanks for posting this today Tami!

    • Thanks for the encouragement Nancy. God has taken this past year to teach me what it means to trust in Him alone, regardless of the circumstance.
      He is faithful.
      He is more than enough for me.
      Love you friend!

  2. tami, my friend. what a beautiful reminder. what a great example to use. leave it to you to find a treasure and share it with everyone. God uses you in so many different ways and you allow him to. you serve women, you serve children, you serve your family, you serve your friends.
    i am grateful for you.
    i’m also grateful for a women’s ministry and Julie Woodruff who leads us so ably and humbly. We are all in this together, friends. it is an honor to be on the journey with the women of long hollow. just, wow.

    • So true Robyn.
      Wow – just WOW.
      He makes Himself known to us through body. I’m grateful for the women of Long Hollow who pray, believing! Through them, I have seen love and mercy of Christ set into motion. We are so blessed.
      Thanks for the kind words. What a JOY / to serve with you.
      See you in the treehouse – something GOOD is gonna happen today.
      LYB .

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