It’s hard to believe we’ve been through the book of Colossians in 10 weeks. I hope you have found time to study it more than the limited amount of time spent in the video because I feel like we just scratched the surface. Thank you, again for taking the time to watch these videos each … [Read more…]
Author: Long Hollow Women
Colossians Study, Week 9: Relevant vs. Relative

Relevant: having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand. Relative:not absolute. Living a Relevant life in a Relative World would be a good title for Colossians 3 and 4. Paul makes a transition in chapter 3 from talking about doctrine and who we are in Christ to how to apply these truths. It does little … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week 8 (Stop Listening to Those Lies!)

Have you ever struggled with guilt? Duh! We all have. I think sometimes that is my middle name! I feel guilty about something I’ve done or said or didn’t do or didn’t say! In this week’s study, Paul was continuing his conversation with the Colossians reminding them that there was no need to feel guilty, … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week 7 – Someone Needs This Encouragement!

The fact that our debt has been cancelled by Christ’s death on the cross is good news! If that is the case, why is it that we walk around defeated so often? Possibly, it’s because we fail to remember the other good news that Paul shares in Colossians: [Tweet “Jesus’ death on the cross not … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week Six

“My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week Five (featuring a VERY special guest!)

This week we’re going to just jump right in, ladies. I pray this would be as ground-breaking, earth-shaking as it was and continues to be for me. What a blessing to learn from this modern-day Paul! Can you believe the things he told us? “We have been poisoned in [sharing the Gospel] and we did … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week Four (Jump Right In!)

Here’s an extra blessing for you this week: Click here to see Rachel Lorance’s video of me on the high ropes swing as mentioned in the video. I know you wanted to see! Now, on to the important stuff… Have you ever thought about writing a mission statement for yourself or your family? Several years ago … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week Three

Wow, 10 minutes is not long to break down each verse of Colossians- it’s such a rich book with so many truths that are life-changing! I feel like we are just scratching the surface each week through the video. The passages we discuss this week are certainly pivotal in our walk with Christ. If we … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week Two, Where HOPE Begins
Hi, friends! Thanks again for joining us as we walk through the book of Colossians this summer. For this week’s post, I loved having Jennifer Landrith with me to talk through how she has been “strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy giving thanks to the Father … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week One!

Hello, friends! Here’s our first installment of this summer’s study of Colossians. I am so excited to walk through this book with you I can barely stand it! For those who were unable to join us for last week’s Women’s Gathering (5/29), you were missed! A quick bit to catch you up: RHYTHMS is a new … [Read more…]