If you’re from the South, you’ve said it, like at least a thousand times: “Why, bless their heart.” Although it’s often meant as a “poor thing” type of statement, speaking blessings into and over someone’s life is love, is right, and is biblical! Moses blessed the twelve tribes, specifically and individually, before he died and … [Read more…]
Author: Megan Pfahl
Check it Out

Summer is over and school started today! How in the world did that happen? Some of you are so excited and others are still crying! I understand your excitement and your pain! We are excited about the Fall semester of Women’s Bible studies that we have to offer! Check out what’s coming here. http://longhollowwomen.com/fall-2013-studies/ Notice … [Read more…]
Hosea: Break Up Your Unplowed Ground

When was the last time you sat before God and asked Him to speak to you? Asked Him to search your heart? I think in the midst of our busy schedules, we sometimes forget that we have an all powerful God longing for us to come to Him and seek His face. When thinking about … [Read more…]
Hosea: Every Good and Perfect Gift

God has given us so much! James reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from the Lord (James 1:17). Every single one; they don’t happen by chance, luck, or by your own strength, but are a gift from the Lord. He has blessed us beyond measure! As I was thinking about that this … [Read more…]
Hosea: Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind

“I don’t know how to fix it, so I guess the only thing I can do is pray about it.” Have you ever heard that statement before? Maybe you’ve even thought or said it when faced with a situation that seemed hopeless and overwhelming. Think about what that statement implies; YOU can’t fix it, so … [Read more…]
Hosea: Cry out to God

The Lord hears you when you cry. That is such a comforting statement. Think about what that means….when you cry out to God and humble yourself before Him, He hears you! The God of the universe, who holds all power, glory, honor, control, and life, actually loves you and listens to you. “The righteous cry … [Read more…]
Hosea: Am I Willing?

As I sit at the beach this morning, looking upon the beauty that God has created, I am amazed! Dolphins swimming, pelicans flying through the air, water that seems to go on forever, and shells too numerous to count-they are all reminders that He is such a great God! Then I thought, “…and these are … [Read more…]
Hosea: Why do You Serve God?

It’s easy to sometimes think that God has forgotten us. Maybe the struggles you face are unending or too much to handle on your own; maybe you feel hopeless, overwhelmed, alone, and unimportant. Sometimes we sin and bring the trouble upon ourselves, but many times it has nothing to do with our choices. The fact … [Read more…]
Pin it Fridays: April Showers Bring May Flowers…

We’ve all heard the saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” Spring is such a wonderful time of growth and change; the days are getting longer, we’re outside more, and planting season is in full bloom. For this week’s blog, I thought it would be appropriate to post some DIY projects centered around this theme. Check … [Read more…]
Hosea: Lift Your Eyes

“I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2) As I was looking at the passage of Scripture for today’s study, the thought kept coming to my mind, “Where do I turn when I need … [Read more…]