It’s hard to believe we’ve been through the book of Colossians in 10 weeks. I hope you have found time to study it more than the limited amount of time spent in the video because I feel like we just scratched the surface. Thank you, again for taking the time to watch these videos each week. For those unable to view them weekly, they’re online now so you can watch them at your convenience. Please comment below to let us know if this online study was helpful and if you like the concept of an online study.
This book is so amazing with rich truths about who Jesus is and how we live out our faith on a day to day basis. The exciting news is that Pastor David is going to do a study through Colossians beginning in September. The title: Jesus + Nothing = Everything! Amen and Amen! I can’t wait!
For you ladies keeping up with the Colossians study in real-time, keep reading!
“We are Long Hollow” is a term that you’ve heard for awhile. I love it because together we can accomplish so much more than any one of us as individuals. This Friday evening is our annual training event called LEAD. Check out this video that tells you a little about it.
Childcare is not available on campus because our Preschool workers are being trained that evening. However, we will give you a voucher for childcare. Here’s how it works: you get your own childcare for the evening and pay them, then your turn in how much you spent on childcare and we will reimburse you!
God is on the move at Long Hollow and WE ALL ARE LONG HOLLOW!