Below is The Message’s paraphrase of Colossians 1:16-23:
“So don’t put up with anyone pressuring you in details of diet, worship services, or holy days. All those things are mere shadows cast before what was to come; the substance is Christ. Don’t tolerate people who try to run your life, ordering you to bow and scrape, insisting that you join their obsession with angels and that you seek out visions. They’re a lot of hot air, that’s all they are. They’re completely out of touch with the source of life, Christ, who puts us together in one piece, whose very breath and blood flow through us. He is the Head and we are the body. We can grow up healthy in God only as he nourishes us. So, then, if with Christ you’ve put all that pretentious and infantile religion behind you, why do you let yourselves be bullied by it? “Don’t touch this! Don’t taste that! Don’t go near this!” Do you think things that are here today and gone tomorrow are worth that kind of attention? Such things sound impressive if said in a deep enough voice. They even give the illusion of being pious and humble and ascetic. But they’re just another way of showing off, making yourselves look important.
Well, okay then!
Friends, let’s be reminded that Jesus is enough. In order for us to grow healthy, we must fix our eyes on Him!
This week’s challenge:
- Avoid letting others determine the “do’s” and “don’ts” of our lives, based on their own values and agendas rather than on Christ.
- Decide true answers for the following:
- What Don’ts discussed in the video do you need to be reminded of?
- What Do’s might you put into place?
- Memorize Colossians 2:20-21
As always, I love you ladies and I’m proud of you sticking through this study with me! See you back here next week!
Once again a good word from Paul’s letter and Julie’s wisdom of the scripture!! I WILL NOT allow the enemy to bring opression over me based on the “do’s and don’ts”. I WILL allow the Holy Spirit to work in and thru me reminding me that I am HIS no matter what and my relationship with Him is not based on performance but on the relationship itself! He takes great delight in me and rejoices over me (Zeph 3:17).