Wow, 10 minutes is not long to break down each verse of Colossians- it’s such a rich book with so many truths that are life-changing! I feel like we are just scratching the surface each week through the video.
The passages we discuss this week are certainly pivotal in our walk with Christ. If we understand who Jesus is and that because of His death on the cross, we who once “were alienated from God and hostile in mind doing evil deeds, have now been reconciled to God through Jesus”…then we understand: that my friend, is amazing grace!
Check out this week’s video and be sure to follow up below with a few important points and challenges for this week!
These are some results of Christ’s death on the cross:
- We are made holy. “Hagios” is the Greek word for holy and means separated from sin and set apart to God. We look different, dress different, different entertainment…our lives are different from those who do not know Jesus.
- We are without blemish; faultless. Isaiah 1:18; 1 John 1:9
- We are blameless; free from accusation! Revelation 12:10-12; Romans 8:31-34
This is good news! The gospel changes who we are, not just what we do. [Tweet “Our relationship with Christ is based on His commitment to us, not our commitment to Him!”] You see, we are saved by grace and we live by grace.
In verse 18 Paul said, “He is the head of the body, the church” which means that Christ is preeminent in the church. He supplies the body with life through His Spirit and gives gifts to believer’s to build up the church.”
Did you notice how often Paul mentions Christ being first? When we as believers give Christ first place and make Him attractive to a lost and dying world, then they see the difference He makes. We’re not trying to attract people to a church building. We’re trying to attract people to Christ, the head of the body.
Thanks to all those who have made comments on the blog! I would love to hear this week some specific answers to the following questions. Can you get real with us on here? Consider this your challenge this week!
- Share a specific moment that you understood through Christ you were truly made blameless. Is there someone in your life that helped you understand this truth? How did that make you feel?!
- What other scripture reminds you that we are holy, faultless, and free from accusation?
- Continue reading the entire book of Colossians as many times as you can this summer. Remember, it’s just four chapters!
- This week, focus on memorizing and recalling Colossians 1:17 ‘on repeat': He is before all things & in Him all things hold together. What a great word!
Ladies, you know I love you and am praying for you this week. Can’t wait to hear from you soon!
Thanks Julie – love that you are doing this for us!
What a blessing and wonderful way to stay connected.
Praise God.
Thanks, Julie for this online opportunity. I have had a desire to get plugged into a Bible study and this works perfectly. God just amazes me!! I am reading through the New Testament in one year. I’m a little ahead of the schedule and I know He planned it that way because I am in the book of Colossians:) My precious family and I have had many major life opportunities and I am here to say that He is the only way that we have endured, persevered and overcome. He has walked before us, with us and held us and all things together. Thank you, Jesus!!! I’m looking forward to next week.
Can we just keep this going all year? Love hearing from you, Julie! As I have read these few verses today, I am reminded that nothing I can do will reconcile me with God. Only through Christ and His sacrifice am I free! Just that fact in itself is freeing. He has been trying to teach me a lot about freedom lately. It’s not up to me – Praise God! “For whom the Son sets free is free indeed” John 8:36. He holds ALL things together, even me!!