Hi, friends!
Thanks again for joining us as we walk through the book of Colossians this summer. For this week’s post, I loved having Jennifer Landrith with me to talk through how she has been “strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.” What a testimony!
I know many of you are going through difficult circumstances or dealing with difficult people, as well. In this week’s video, we break down the truths in Colossians 1:9-14 in hopes that you might be encouraged to hang in through trying times.
Check out our brief video discussion below and then follow-up by reading further down some expanded commentary and tips for the week ahead.
Woo! That’s good stuff.
In these verses, we learn the importance of specific prayer. Paul said that “he had not ceased to pray” for the Colossians. If we want to find strength, prayer must become a discipline in our lives.
[Tweet ““If we want to find strength, prayer must become a discipline in our lives.““]
Paul prayed specifically that they would be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that they would:
- Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord
- Be fully pleasing to Him
- Bearing fruit in every good work
- Increasing in the knowledge of God
Being filled with the knowledge of God’s will doesn’t just happen; the Bible is God’s living Word to us! (Heb 4: 12) The more we read God’s word, the more we learn about Him and His ways.
God has qualified us through Christ to share in His inheritance. We didn’t earn this inheritance- we just have to receive it by believing through faith in Christ. Amazing! But even more amazing is that “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have REDEMPTION, the FORGIVENESS of SINS!”
I’m sorry, did we get that? We have been RESCUED and taken from darkness to light – from slavery to freedom – from guilt to forgiveness! That is a BIG DEAL!
Remember this week that you are a saint! Ladies, let’s live like it by walking in “power according to His glorious might”!
Here are some action steps for this week:
1. Read through the entire book of Colossians. It’s only 4 chapters.
2. Memorize Colossians 1:11-12. Or for those who are over-achievers, memorize the first chapter of Colossians! You can do it.
Let’s get some discussion going this week on these passages. If you have questions or want to share something God is teaching you, use the comment section below. Also, please post to your FB wall or tweet so that others can join us in this study!
Love y’all!
Thanks, Julie!!
Julie and Jen – Thank you for sharing. Jen – I have not had the pleasure of meeting you but I have walked somewhat in your shoes. I know the heart of gratitude is one of the best weapons against discouragement. And , never having met you, Jen, I will lift you up in my prayers. Julie – it is always an encouragement to listen to you. Thank you so much. ….lss
Love it! Wisdom and understanding come hand in hand. We are much like a computer. The hardware of the computer is the brain. It has all kinds of room to store data and information BUT it is all useless without the software. The understanding is the data that we store; the wisdom is the software that allows us to retrieve it and put it all together SO THAT we can then in all knowledge put it all together and OUT THERE.
On another note….prayer is a tool we often overlook. The disciples were known for praying AND teaching. Praying over people and for people are so important. Sometimes we might think we need to be physically present or even audible for our prayers to be powerful, but God will always give us understanding, power and knowledge to pray for others without being physically with them.
What a true blessing to know that I am a saint! My fellowship with my Lord and Savior is a testimony that through lots of anguish and troubled times I have strived to be a “saint”. Julie – thanks so much for the opportunity to study the word of God from the comfort of my couch and during my own quiet time!
Jen- I have walked in your shoes as a caregiver of a husband with cancer. By the grace of God and oceans of prayer, my husband is cancer free from a diagnosis of a stage four cancer throughout his body. I have been blessed with what some people refer to with the “patience of a saint” and that is what it takes to journey through the experience of a loved one with a grim diagnosis. Be strong and know that each day is one day closer to recovery. I will continue to pray for you and David !
Interesting that the Jesus Calling devotional today echoed this lesson – “there will be difficulties along the way, but you can face them confidently in My strength. Thank Me for each problem you encounter, and watch to see how how I transform trials into blessings.” Wow! Love that God knows I need repetition
Wow! So good! Thank you both for sharing. Jennifer, being thankful for the lamp is so powerful and reminds me I should never be without hope!
Thank you Julie for this study… I am enjoying it so much…. And Jen thank you for your strength to share with us today…. I am praying for all of you and all that you do, and all the lives that you touch..!! I am blessed to have you in my life and blessed to have been taken from darkness to light by our Lord and Savior…
Love you….