A word I have heard over and over the last several months that just has me riled up! A word that the enemy is using to discourage and defeat believers. Be honest with yourself. Can you readily complete this sentence?
-I feel disqualified to speak up as a believer because I ______? Or maybe this one.
-I feel disqualified to fulfill the vision God has given me because of ___?
Consider this analogy. Paul often refers to the life or time we have in this world in racing terms. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”……2 Timothy 4:7. He also admonished fellow believers to “run the race as to win.” 1 Corinthians 9:24
Now consider the definition of disqualified ~ to be rendered ineligible.
Disqualified means that you have let Satan keep you from even stepping up to the starting line. He has convinced you that you don’t deserve to run! That you have done something to become ineligible. Sisters let’s take Peter’s warning to “Be alert and sober minded – the devil goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
Imagine if Paul would have accepted the lie that he was disqualified. If he had stayed focused on his sins, his failures and his history. After all why would God use a murderer to preach the gospel.
And what about the life of David? Why would God use someone who committed adultery, resisted counsel, plotted to murder one of his own loyal commanders? Why would God ever call that man a “man after God’s own heart?”
Look at King Nebuchadnezzar. Talk about someone who we may believe to be disqualified. The consummate “bad guy” of the Old Testament and yet God gets a hold of his heart and He glorifies God in the end.
We need to be wise, friends. We need to stay in the word so that we can discern the voice of the Shepherd and the one of our Enemy. Let me share some hints on how you know you may be listening to the voice of the liar. These are some of his favorites.
- “You have made too many mistakes, you have blown it too bad” – If you have asked for forgiveness God’s promise is that He “remembers your sins no more” – so if someone is bringing it to your attention it is your enemy. (Is 43:25)(Hebrews 8:12)
- “There is no hope.” – The word calls our God the God of Hope! If you are facing a struggle that feels beyond your strength put your hope in Him.
- “Who are YOU to ______?” Well last time I checked you were a born again, daughter of the King of Kings, a redeemed vessel fit for the Master’s use.
Now look back at the two “fill in the blank” statements.
I feel disqualified to speak up as a believer because I ______?
I feel disqualified to fulfill the vision God has given me because of ___?
Notice anything? Did you notice that the first phrase includes “I” and the second phrase “ME”? There is the problem. Satan wants us to believe that our qualifications are based on ourselves, our merits, our failures, our history, our lives, when in fact the qualification has nothing to do with “me” but everything to do with “HIM!”
“Therefore if anyone is in CHRIST he is a new creation, old things have passed away and behold ALL things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Sisters let’s not let the enemy defeat us before we even get to the starting line of the race. Let us not accept the lie that we have been disqualified. Let us, with defiance toward our enemy, walk boldly to the line to start the race…..knowing that Jesus ran our qualifying lap!
If you need to, write out on cards or type into your phones notepad scripture that reminds you of God’s truth. Speak them boldly when your enemy starts to play that same old tape because YOU are in! You are clothed and ready to run, striving toward the high calling in Christ, to make His name Great in all the earth!