To be a Christian means to be in war, always. Everyday contains battle. Perhaps battles. Sometimes we are out for the count, unaware that what we perceive to be insignificant is actually the ground God intends for us to take for His glory according to His will. Everything you do or don’t do counts. Idleness lays ever before us. If we lie down in it we will lose that day.
Don’t be deceived:
Busyness does not equate diligence.A well put together home, however elegant, does not mean that we have the treasure of a well-put together life in Jesus Christ.A beautiful outward demeanor does not indicate that the beauty of Christ, true value, resides within in.
It is easy to grow lazy, to become indifferent, to give up. That is one reason the Saints are called to endurance, to keep on going and not grow weary in doing good. Idleness, it is the bait given to every mom wearied by too little sleeping babies. It is the lure to join in on earthly pursuits instead of faithfully walking with God. It is the lie that you do not have enough time to pray or study God’s Word but you do have enough time to go to coffee, run errands, and complete projects. It is the deception that man’s approval is more desirable than God’s.
How are you tempted toward idleness?! Mine comes in the form of a laundry bin. Other times in the form of exhaustion. Though imperfectly, I overcome both by looking to Jesus. Whatever you do (even laundry) do it heartily as unto the Lord. If I am tired after a legitimate night of rest I assume that additional rest is to be taken in the form of communion with God rather than on my pillow in my bed. I have “entered into HIS rest.” (See Hebrews) Maybe that is intense, but what is more desirable…to suffer defeat day in & day out on the battlefield by living idle or to-by grace taking hold of that which God has freely given to you, live by the Spirit of Jesus that you may obey and be fruitful in every good work?!
Don’t succumb to the ploy of the enemy to live idle. It is sin. But, praise Jesus, we can repent and become women zealous for good works (Titus 2).
2 Thessalonians 3:11-13 “For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.”
Whether it be in the day to day work that God has called you to or in discipline for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4), let it be said that you were diligent.
May the Lord multiply His grace toward you that you may live worthy of the Kingdom you are receiving if you are in Christ Jesus!
Thanks. I really needed this today.