I want to refute a myth that I think the women of Long Hollow have believed for far too long. At Midnight Train earlier this month, with all the women attending in one room, I asked those who were involved in Women’s Ministry to stand up. A minority did which perfectly illustrated what I feared has happened.
Somehow, someway, we have developed the mindset as women that we serve in preschool, children, student, adult, volunteer, music or women’s ministry. But please hear me…IF YOU ARE FEMALE, YOU ARE THE WOMEN’S MINISTRY!!!
Women’s Ministry at Long Hollow exists to meet WOMEN where they are and help take them to where God wants them to be, a fully devoted follower of Christ. Our purpose is to provide opportunities for you to grow in Christ and equip you to serve Him in the unique role that God has created us, FEMALE!
Therefore, all WOMEN are invited to TRUTH OR DARE, September 9! We are excited about this event for a lot of reasons:
- We’ve not had a Women’s event since February
- It’s a Girls Night Out
- Lots of Desserts
- Lots of Laughs
- Testimonies from Everyday Women who struggle
- Opportunity to ask questions and hear from a panel of women counselors on some of the issues that we as women struggle with and the lies that women believe.
You thought you were the only one struggling? That is a lie that you’ve believed for far too long. We’ve all got issues! The most wonderful news though is that God’s Word gives us answers on how to deal with our issues.
Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) We want to provide truth so that we as women will realize that freedom that we have in Christ.
If you are:
Single, Married, Mom, Divorced, Lonely, Happy, Searching, Bible scholar, No Bible knowledge or somewhere in between, Truth or Dare is for you and your friends. Invite someone to come with you. This is for ALL women!
Click here to register and find out more details. Childcare is available upon request.
Can’t wait for our Girls Night Out! See you there!
Trying to register 2 women for Sunday night, but the link seems to be broken.
Hey Karen!
I apologize about that! We are looking into it! Could you call me at the office and I will register you? Or email me at gretchen.jones@longhollow.com!
We are excited you are coming to the event!