Ladies, we’re so thrilled you’re with us, committed to seeing God do amazing things in the lives of our women this summer. Until we meet again (Mark it down! August 21!), use this handy smart phone wallpaper to serve as a reminder of our collective prayer through the upcoming season:
Lord, teach me the unforced rhythms of Your Grace!
Download iPhone 5/5S Wallpaper
NEW! Download iPad/iPad Mini Wallpaper
Download Galaxy Wallpaper (also appropriate for Nokia Lumia, LG G2, Nexus, HTC, & Sony Xperia)
*If you missed our Pre-Summer Women’s Gathering and are all like, “What’s all this??”, be sure to stay connected with us this summer! Check back here THIS MONDAY for the beginning of Women’s Minister Julie Woodruff leading us through Colossians and exciting ideas to stay intentional this season of seeking rest in the Lord.
Can I get the wallpaper for my iPad mini?
Working on that as we speak!