How does he know? I ask that question every time I attempt (notice the word attempt) to do my Insanity video. For those of you who might not know what Insanity is, it’s a DVD exercise series that is really INSANE. You see, I’m 52 now and have vowed to stay in shape. My mother died at the age of 59 and although I can’t prevent getting hit by a bus, I can do my best to take care of the body that God gave me. I run regularly and in an effort to exercise without leaving home, I purchased the Insanity DVD series. Anyways, now I’m sweating, breathing hard, staring at the TV and Shaun T. looks me in the eyes and says “Get Moving! No stopping now!” How does he know I’m standing there doing nothing? How does he know I don’t think I can do one more minute of exercise? But, yet he keeps yelling at me, encouraging me to push harder, go farther, not to quit.
How like God is that? Many times God asks us to do things we simply think we can’t do. We don’t try, we don’t even consider the possibility. Don’t we know we’re limiting God when we do that? Do we not trust our God to be powerful enough to do a seemingly impossible task through us? You’ve probably heard the saying “it’s a God thing”. When the impossible happens, it is a God thing. Have you ever stopped to consider when God asks you to do something that seems impossible, He gets all the glory?
Many years ago, a friend asked me to direct children’s choir. I promptly said “No, I don’t sing.” For a year she pushed and God pushed. I was miserable. I finally realized God was really asking me to teach choir. It turned out to be one of the biggest blessings of my life. Can I sing now? Nope, but God could still use me to teach children to sing. You see, I was limiting God. I had no faith and no trust in His abilities. I was too focused on my inabilities to see what was possible. Thank the Lord he doesn’t give up on us. Just like Shaun T. pushes me to go another minute, God pushes me to stretch my wings and rely on Him to carry me through seemingly impossible tasks.
My favorite verse in the Bible is Philippians 4:13 “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength”. After that little lesson, I made sure every child who came through my choir learned that verse. My mom (and my grandmother before her) used to say “Can’t never could do nothing.” It took me several years to understand that little phrase and once it clicked, I vowed to never say can’t again.
Don’t get a case of the “can’ts”. Don’t put a limit on God. Do what God is calling you to do and I promise you will be blessed.
Love this! My mama and grandmothers always said “can’t never could” too ,and now I say it and try (and sometimes fail) to live it. thanks for reminding me of this today Carol!