Just in case you were wondering, jet lag is for real! I arrived home a week ago today after spending 12 days in Thailand. The time difference is 12 hrs, so right now it’s time for bed there. My body is still trying to get used to being back. I jumped into a full schedule right after I returned last week and Saturday I hit a wall! It was like I couldn’t move and all I wanted to do was sleep. I’m still waking up between 2-3am and wondering if I’ll ever get back on a regular schedule!
Our trip was life changing in many ways. People have asked me how my trip was and my answer is HARD! As a matter of fact, I’m still trying to process all that I saw and heard. However, now that I have seen, I can no longer turn a blind eye or a deaf ear.
What a blessing to know that through the Wrecked offering, Long Hollow is helping establish partners to combat human trafficking in Thailand. The need is great and we can be a part of pushing back darkness by praying and giving! Amazing!
Slavery does still exist. Statistics show that there are 27 million of them in 161 countries across the world and even in ours. It’s a heartbreaking reality that this is going on but thankfully the body of Christ is raising awareness and getting involved in rescuing and freeing slaves.
If you attended our event called Facing Freedom a few weeks ago, you heard a clip of Christine Caine, who will be our speaker for Momentum 2014. Christine and her husband, Nick founded a ministry called The A21 Campaign. Their mission statement says: We exist to abolish injustice in the 21st Century.
Christine was recently a guest on a new Webshow with Pricilla Shirer called The Chat. You can view the Webshow at thechatwithpriscilla.com. Her interview with Christine will be aired on Tuesdays and Thursdays during October starting today at 6pm if you are interested in watching.
Several Long Hollow ladies were able to be in the audience as this show was taped and said what she shares is powerful. I hope you will tune in this month to hear Priscilla and Christine.
We are praying now for Momentum 2014, which will be February 16. I believe this event will be life changing for everyone who attends. Please join us by praying and think about specific names of women you would like to invite to attend. If you would like to receive updates, prayer guides and challenges related to Momentum, text WOMEN to 411247.
So thankful you came back safe & with an eye opening outlook on this tough subject. The statistics alone are enough to blow us away but I’m sure witnessing it & hearing accounts must be heartbreaking. How wonderful that there can be hope in this darkness! Thank you so much for sharing & I will continue to pray that this becomes a huge victory in forging freedom.