We use mirrors every day.
I mean, we females usually balk at going out in public not knowing whether our hair looks right, or our clothes look appropriate, or our mascara isn’t smudged. Or, perhaps the most widely used reason by most women: do these pants make my backside look big?
The truth is we NEED mirrors. They reflect the image displayed in front of them.
In our constant pursuit of appearing physically attractive or appropriately dressed, our real desire should be that of appearing more like a reflection of Jesus. In the truest definition of “Christian,” we are His “image bearers,” reflectors, and as such, we should look more and more like Him.
We all know that’s not done with attention to physical attributes, but in spending time and attention to the unseen—our thoughts, our heart, our spirit—and the tools for making those improvements don’t lie with hairbrushes and tubes of lipstick. They lie with spending time reading God’s Word, in spending time in meaningful communication with our Father, and in acts of service done in His Name.
So, from head to toe, how might we do a “check in the mirror” to make sure we look more like Him?
- Head—that our thoughts be like His (1 Corinthians 2:16);
- Face—like Moses, that our countenance radiate His presence (Exodus 34:29);
- Eyes—that we see others as He sees them—with love and mercy;
- Ears—that we listen attentively, both to Him and to others’ needs;
- Mouths—that share the gospel of grace and “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:!5);
- Arms/Hands/Legs—that serve others and help meet their needs, in Jesus’s Name;
- Heart—that beats for His work and His ways;
- Feet—that rush to carry the good news (Isaiah 52:7);
- Clothing—we put on HIS righteousness (Isaiah 61:10)!
So, take a quick check in the “mirror.” How you do you look? Do you see Jesus in that mirror today? If not, what “adjustments” do you need to make?
I was in California last week so I am just catching up.
I love this post Vivian. He wants the ‘whole’ of us.
Thank you.