• Lori Cramer

      Hi Angela. All of the Hendersonville photos are now up on our blog for you to look through. Enjoy!

        • Lori Cramer

          Angela, can you tell me the location you had your picture taken (main entrance or gathering area), how many people were in your photo, and what you were wearing? Hopefully we can locate it and get it up soon!

          • Angela robertson

            It was outside area under breezeway. A lady took the photo.
            It was me and my daughters . I was wearing a green dress. Thank you for checking on it :)

  1. Kristi Schmitt

    My Momma & I had our picture taken on Mother’s Day at Hendersonville 0900 service and I can’t find our picture?

    • Lori Cramer

      Hi Kristi. We received all the pictures taken by our photographers. Everything should be up on our blog. I hope you find what you’re looking for!

    • Kristi Schmitt

      I also have looked through all of the pictures and my picture is not there. Our picture was taken after the 0900 service in Hendersonville outside to the left of the main entrance. I was wearing a pink shirt with lace ruffled sleeves and my Mother was wearing a blue and white sundress. I have enjoyed my Mother’s Day picture each year and I would love if you could find it. Thank you!

      • Lori Cramer

        Hi Kristi! Thanks for letting me know some details of your picture. We’ll do our best to track it down for you!

  2. Addy

    I was wondering if some of the pics taken were not posted. I took a family pic before the 11 am service and I can’t find it. I checked evening service just in case and it’s not there either. Thanks

    • Lori Cramer

      Addy, were you at the Hendersonville 11 am service? Can you tell me what location your picture was taken (gathering area or main entrance), how many people were in your picture, and what y’all were wearing? Hopefully we can track it down for you!

      • Addy Welch

        Hi, we took out picture before the 11am service at the entrance facing New Shackle. My husband was wearing a light blue shirt, I had on a coral colored long dress and wear glasses, one of my daughters had on a pink tank dress with rosettes and the other had on a white tank dress with color embroidered floral patterns. We love our mother’s day pics and hoping you will be able to locate this years as well.

        • Lori Cramer

          Hi Addy. We’ll do our best to locate your photo, and be in touch with you. Thanks for letting us know!

  3. brooke

    Still no pic 3 people 2 kids boy in blue polo, daughter in dress. I was standing in middle of them. Pic taken right of entrance

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