Prayer Requests

We believe that the Word of God is true and trustworthy in its entirety. Based on that core faith, we absolutely believe the words of Paul in Philippians 4:19 where he wrote, “You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.”

We encourage you to commit your needs to prayer and as a part of that challenge, we would love to pray with you, for you, as well. You can submit a prayer request below by selecting “Share Your Prayer Request” and be assured that what you share will be kept confidential.

If you feel led to go deeper in your prayer life by committing to a period of fasting, “Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer,” by Campus Crusade’s Bill Bright, is a great tool for safe and effective fasting and prayer. You can click here for more information.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


I'm asking prayers for my childrens father who is an alcoholic - for him to have no desire for alcohol and make Jesus the Lord of his life.

Also, please pray for my son that he will find a church home that he can grow, learn & be a part of. He is a little different & has come along way from the dark places he use to be in. I give God all the glory for how HE has healed my son over the last year. I pray for him strong Christian friends and for people to love, accept, forgive & encourage him. I see him somewhat lonely, longing for a friend but yet at peace. He knows he has Jesus & I know that's why. Praise God for never giving up on us.

Received: April 24, 2015

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  1. Diane Lucas

    A few weeks ago I submitted a prayer request regarding my son who is struggling with bipolar disorder and alcohol abuse. Last week he sent me an email saying that his doctor had changed his medication, and for the first time he feels that the medication is actually working. He can’t believe the difference in how he feels! He also said that he hasn’t been drinking because for some reason every time he drinks alcohol he feels sick, so he is hardly drinking at all. He really sounded like a new person! Gotta love the power of prayer!

  2. laura

    Im a recovering addict and have been clean for 2 years now and my boyfriend is also a recovering addict who has recently relapsed it hurts so bad because i want him to do right its starting to effect my recovery i love him though i feel stuck in what to do please pray for him and guidance for me to do whats best fkr us both

  3. Laura

    I would ask for prayers that I continue to trust in the Lord that my unfortunate situation will work its self out. It has been over a year since a traumatic emotional catastrophe occurred. I am stronger now than I was a year ago due to the blessing of my faith in the Lord. I pray that my life will be richer and fuller and I will become the person I am meant to be. I hope and pray you have a wonderful Easter and are thankful and appreciative Christ died on the cross so that the sins of man were forgiven. Man should be forever grateful and serve the Lord happily, humbly and sincerely. In his Peace, Laura

  4. Kathy

    Please pray for my son, Chris. He is praying for GOD’s choice for his wife!!! Unfortunately, he suffered through a divorce 2 yrs. ago, though no fault of his own. He was hurt, but has healed, and is hoping for A lasting marriage and much happiness in his future. He is 35 years old, good-looking, and has everything going for him, except in this one area of his life. Thank you for your prayers!!

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