“Professional” Christian

Our oldest daughter was lucky enough to get an internship while in college at a church in Birmingham and consequently they hired her after graduation.  We immediately dubbed her our “Professional Christian”.  Her response (she’s so witty) was “Mom, somebody’s got to get you into heaven.”  Oh how I wish it were that easy.

How many people are you trying to wish into heaven?  I have names on my prayer list – I pray for them and pray for them and nothing.  I have one friend who’s been on there for over 2 years to no avail.  God, aren’t you hearing me?  I’m praying it.  Make it happen!

I had a conversation with a friend recently who pointed out how many of us are going about it all wrong.  We pray and pray but do we ever really talk to them about what Jesus means?  We’re quick to point out their sins and tell them they need to change, but are we loving them despite their sins?

Is it easy?  Not at all!  One of the hardest things in the world is to witness to someone you love, someone you care about.  But honestly, shouldn’t there be a sense of urgency for those we love the most?  Aren’t those the ones we want to see in heaven?  We’re so busy being politically correct that we are failing in our mission – the Great Commission.  Being as those were the last words of Jesus, I deem them pretty important.  We should be shouting it from the mountains but we don’t.  We choke.  I don’t know how many opportunities I’ve missed to tell about my Jesus. Opportunities that I laughed off or just let slide on by.  A lot of those times, a lot of those faces still haunt me.

Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t think you should just witness to those you know.  Your heart should be just as broken for those you don’t know.  How many times have you watched a news report and wondered if those people were saved?  The cruelty that is so prevalent in our world makes me so very sad.  One common thought I have is “those people need Jesus.”  And I’m supposed to tell them but that takes courage.

I’m working on my courage – maybe that comes with age.  As I get older, I find I care less that people think I’m weird.  I care that they hear about Jesus more.  After all, what is the worst thing that can happen if you witness?  You might get called a goody goody.  What’s the worst thing that can happen if you don’t?  They go to hell. Kind of puts it in perspective.

Pray for opportunities.  Pray for the guts to embrace those opportunities.  Then buckle up because when you earnestly pray for those opportunities, God will deliver.

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  (Matthews 28:19-20)



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