Propel Women

Ladies, remember what a great night we had at Momentum+Propel back in February? Well…we are so excited to be partnering with Propel to begin a chapter right here at Long Hollow! We are thrilled to announce that we are launching the Propel Women chapter meetings at Long Hollow!

Next Meeting Date

When: February 15 6:30-8:00 pm
Where: Student building Auditorium 1 (High School Auditorium)

Click here to register for the February session!

If you haven’t yet ordered your workbook click this link to order. Shipping takes up to 10 business days, so order soon!

We have had a lot of questions and want to answer those for you here quickly:

Is this a Bible study?
Not in a traditional sense. It is a conversation-style teaching about Personal Leadership topics backed up by Scripture. It is not designed to take the place of traditional Bible studies, but to be another resource in the lives of Christian women.

What are the topics exactly?
This year’s topic is Personal Leadership. The sessions include:

  • How to develop balance in life
  • How to make confident decisions
  • How to have a healthy mindset
  • How to develop a full prayer life
  • How to practice self care
  • How to communicate with others effective

Who is the Propel Curriculum designed for?
Women who want to grow in their capacity, strengthen their ability, and be inspired to pursue the call of God on their life. Stay home mom, college student, mover and shaker in the business world, it’s created for you. Married, single, or widowed, it’s created for you. Seasoned saint or new believer, it’s created for you.

Will there be childcare?
Yes. We have childcare on Monday nights. Plan to arrive between 6:00-6:15 pm to check your child into childcare.

What is the format?
We will watch a DVD and then have a discussion at round tables. Click here for a preview of one of the videos to meet the Propel guests that will be sharing. After the video we will have round table discussions. The meeting will be relaxed and fun!

Is there a lot of homework?
There is no homework with this curriculum. It is designed for busy women who have enough to do in their daily lives, but want to carve our time for real community and conversations with women like themselves. It was created to to teach and spur conversations around your tables. That is why it is called a conversation series.

What should I bring to the first meeting?
Your workbook (we will not have them for purchase, and will dive straight in on the first meeting), your Bible, your journal/notebook if you like to take notes, and a smile. :)

Can I bring a friend who doesn’t go to Long Hollow?
Yes, please do! If possible let us know ahead of time by registering here so we can make sure we have enough seats. The more the merrier!

How many meetings will we have?
We will meet every third Monday of the month and take a break in December and break again over the Summer. We will continue to meet and use new Propel Women curriculum after we finish the Personal Leadership study.

What dates are we meeting on exactly?
October 19th
November 16th
January 25th
February 15th
March 21st
April 18th
May 16th

If you have any other questions please click here and email Alli, who will be facilitating the study. We look forward to seeing how God will raise up and develop leaders in EVERY avenue of life!


  1. Michelle Williams

    I wasn’t paying good enough attention and didn’t see the part to order the book. If I order now will I be lost if I still come to the October 19th meeting?

    • Lori Cramer

      Hi Michelle. We will have copies of Session 1 available tonight, but go ahead and order your copy of the workbook so you can have it for next month. We’re excited to have you!

  2. Darlene Tullos

    I am new to Longhollow and this group sounds perfect for my current challenges. Can I join tomorrow night even though I missed the October meeting? Thanks so much.

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