The kids are in bed, the house is quiet, you finally take a moment to exhale, maybe even sink into your favorite chair. While you’re there, do you ever reflect on the accomplishments for the day…I mean truly take an account of what all has happened from the time you first opened your eyes that morning? I know that when I actually take the time to define the meaning of the day’s events I begin to see that for the most part, life is moving toward positive spiritual growth even through set backs. We begin to see how God orchestrates every minute of the day for the divine purpose of growing us. We begin to see that even though we always feel there aren’t enough hours in the day to do what we want to do, that somehow we actually accomplished a great deal and that ultimately, there was just the right amount of time to do what absolutely had to happen in order for God’s plan to remain in motion.
Do you keep a reflection journal? If you don’t, oh you should. It’s like a growth chart for grown-ups! Write down your prayers. Write down your goals. And instead of writing a “to-do” list, write a “Ta-dah” list where you reflect and celebrate all the things that were accomplished in your everyday life as well as your spiritual life. Write down life lessons learned. Write down how God has answered a prayer. Watch your faith grow faster than your children are shooting up that chart. Watch the next morning come with less worry and anxiousness, knowing that you’re already set on a spiritual path that leads to good for all of those who love the Lord.
Kelly Breece
Blogger on “The Simplified Family”