All my life I’ve heard the great commission. I knew what it said and what we were supposed to do, but honestly thought if I went to church on Sunday, taught a class and if someone happened into our little group who didn’t know Jesus, I had done my job. Of course I went on the requisite once a year mission trip and did my thing with those poor people, and then went back to my comfortable life in my safe little church where everyone knew God and Jesus was their King. Until….
One week I attended a class on witnessing. This guy completely put us on the spot. We had to first write out our story that consisted of 3 parts: 1. What your life was before Christ; 2. How you met Christ; 3. What your life was like after Christ. Simple enough. I wrote it all down – felt pretty good about myself – and then came the hard part. He made us sign a form saying we would tell our story to someone the next day. Ok, no big. I work in an office by myself; it wasn’t like I was going to see anyone anyway. The next day, I went to work and got called to the other office – the one with actual people in it. Sooo I realized I actually have to do this. Easy enough – I picked someone I knew to be a Christian (he didn’t specify) and told my story. Check mark!
That night – same story – tell your story to someone the next day. Seriously dude? I teach Sunday School. I’m doing my part. I signed the slip and lo and behold had to go to Wal-Mart. Yep no one at Wal-Mart- sigh. Ended up telling my story to the cashier. And you know what – it went great! This isn’t so hard. I can do this.
You see, all these years I hated to get into some big theological discussion with someone I didn’t know. I found out – you don’t have to. We just have to tell our story and let God do the rest. He’s totally capable of taking our words and using them to reach someone’s heart. Even better – it gets easier every time I do it.
The truly sad part is that we have the greatest story in the world to tell and should be shouting it from the roof tops, but we are too shy or too embarrassed or too worried to do the one thing God asked us to. People are dying and going to hell, and we’re too scared to tell them about the one thing that can save them.
I have no idea if I made a difference in people’s lives, but I cannot wait to get to heaven and see if there are some familiar faces up there because I actually listened to God and simply told my story.
OK you know what’s coming next. I challenge each and every one of you reading this blog to go out and tell your story to a total stranger – just once. You will not believe the blessing you will receive from this simple little act.
“Here’s the knowledge you need: you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. And you will be My witnesses, first here in Jerusalem, then beyond to Judea and Samaria, and finally to the farthest places on earth.” (Acts 1:8 The Voice)
Love this! Thanks for the challenge!