The Awe of God

“…no awe of me” Jeremiah 2:19

Fireflies in the night sky!

In an era of spectaculars—technology often replaces the miraculous.  Avatars (simulated humans which act out reality) rob us of true experiences.  Children ride past God’s creation, oblivious to His wonders, as they watch technological marvels on their DVD screens.  Movies replace catching fireflies and watching the starry hosts of heaven in the evening.  We have diluted the meaning of the word “awesome” by using it to describe anything we really like.

Where is the awe of God today?  Jeremiah the prophet described the state of being that God’s people had digressed to when forsaking the LORD and included in this description was the rebuke “and have no awe of me.”

I am reminded of my dear mother’s response every time she saw the hand of her creator: “Thank you God for eyes to see, ears to hear, and a good sound mind to recognize it as You who have created all this.” Several years ago God used an inchworm to change the life directionof someone very dear to me.  Another time, God used a praying mantis on my windshield wiper to convey a vivid illustration of prayer.

Jesus referring to a sparrow- Matthew 10:29-31

Jesus often referred to nature in describing principles of the Kingdom of Heaven.   May we never cease to marvel as a child at His amazing presence all around us.

Prayer of resolution:  “Oh, LORD, remind me of your splendor and may I not let another rob you of my heart or mind.  May I choose my words more carefully—reserving the best to ascribe to You the honor due You.  May I deliberately seek to discover your mercies new every day in my life and those of others as well.  You alone are my God, and aside from You there is no other.”

My challenge today is to look for God’s love note to us through His creation or created beings.  How about you?  How has God revealed himself to you today—yesterday?  What has taken your breath away—captured you with the awe of His presence?



  1. Terry

    As I sat on my deck this morning and watched the hummingbirds (miracles of God for sure), listened to the morning sounds, smelled the earth around me (another miracle for sure), drank my tea, and read my morning devotional…..I noted in my journal “I am in awe at your splendor”.

    • Nancy Thompson

      Love that you responded to God’s creation in awe of His splendor, Terry! Just curious…anybody out there ever collect fireflies in a jar and put in your room at night when you were a kid? Sometimes, it is these simple child-like experiences that provide the fresh awareness of His presence even as adults.

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