1. Susan Harris

    Great Word Cara, I’m afraid it “Hit to close to home”…Love the challenge of Phil.3:2-5!


  2. What a great reminder. Thank you. I’ve been searching for verses for our family to memorize over the summer and I loved the scripture about comparing ourselves to others. What a wonderful truth to teach our kiddos!

  3. Regina Gibson

    This encouragement that always come to mind when thinking about comparison… Penned by Paul, “…But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.” 2 Corinthians 10 Another translation renders it, “…they are not wise.” We don’t properly celebrate God’s design to make His Body strikingly different yet one…a gorgeous blend of gifts/talents/abilities. When we compare we inevitably fail to smile at the graces we see in another. “Rejoice with those who rejoice…” Rejoicing is fun and encouraging. Comparison misses all of that by far.

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