Worship—a verb, an adjective – pure, unabashed, free, God-glorifying

I saw this definition on my friend’s Facebook page. You see, she would know. She’s a member of our Praise Team in Springfield. Picture this: eyes closed, hand held up, head tilted up toward heaven, expression of complete awe on her face, singing all to the glory of God. That’s my friend, Vivian. You see Vivian doesn’t perform – Vivian worships – with her whole heart, her whole soul, her whole body. There’s no doubt in your mind when you see her on stage, that her mind is completely on her God, her Lord.
I know Vivian wrote that definition on her Facebook page because she had confided to me that she just couldn’t understand how people could attend a worship service and not partake in the act of worship. Being on stage, she sees first hand the ones who talk, who read their Sunday paper, or just sit there looking bored. As someone who embraces the opportunity of worship, she finds it troubling.
I totally understand how she feels at times. I have the honor of hosting Treehouse on Sunday mornings and I have children who also choose not to worship. I’ve

told them how very lucky they are to not only have a God to worship but to be able to openly worship. Some just don’t care to. However, we have Taylor. Let me tell you about Taylor, a precious little six-year old Hispanic boy. Doesn’t speak a lot of English but comes into Treehouse so excited to worship. He doesn’t know all the words but he sings at the top of his lungs and doesn’t miss a single motion. I can’t help but smile every time I hear that child sing with pure joy on his face. At Midnight Train we learned that we do motions to our songs in Treehouse so that kids learn how to worship freely. (Thank you Robyn Collins). That way when they get to “big church” they are not intimidated by the act of worship.
Now I’m not a hand raiser but I am an eye closer and a huge cryer. I can’t tell you how many times I’m moved to tears by the words of a song. When my eyes are closed, there are no distractions – I’m allowed to concentrate on what I’m singing. That’s when the words speak to me, allow me to remember all that God has done for me – the sacrifice Jesus made. That’s when I cry – my own form of worship.
I am so grateful to attend a church that allows everyone to worship in their own way. If you raise your hands, clap, or shout Amen, people don’t look at you like you’re about to pull out the snakes. How awesome is our God and how awesome is it that we are allowed to Praise Him with all our hearts, souls, and minds!
Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation.
Psalm 95:1
Again, you hit home. So blessed to know you and Vivian. Ya’ll really are such a vital part of the Springfield campus! Hugs to you both!
Love this! I am a cryer and a hand lifter/ dancer! I love worship! Thanks for this, I too can’t imagine sitting still in worship unless I were physically unable to get up and move. I am so grateful for so much. thank you Carol for this reminder about what worship is and that i am not the only one with tears and mascara running down her face! Thank you Vivian for leading with a heart filled with worship to the Almighty! We are such a blessed campus and have such amazing leadership, who now I am proud to call friends.