1. Gretchen Jones

    So powerful and full of truth! I’m constantly reminded how we are called to do such simple things for the Lord-yet these are the things that are radically life-changing and God-honoring! Another way to get our hearts in shape to love others is to “give fully”. Do something that is a physical reminder that we are not our own, and our possessions are not are own. When we give, we are reminded that “we love because He first loved us.” :)

    Today, I’m opening my heart and letting grace flow freely!

    • What a good word Gretchen. I love what it means to ‘fully’ give. I immediately think of my time and attention. When I fully give it to someone it is a wonderful display of my love for them. My actions let’s them know they are important and I value them.
      Thanks for adding to the conversation. You inspire me!

  2. Julie Woodruff

    Great word, Tami! Thanks for sharing the sometimes difficult yet life transforming truth of loving like Jesus loves. I’m thankful He loves me even when I am unloveable!

  3. Hi Diane, have you ever heard of the book Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard? It’s a classic and I’d hhilgy recommend it if you have the chance. This scripture reminds me of this wonderful book.

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