If I’ve not gotten the chance to meet you yet, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lori Cramer, and I’m a daughter of the King. That’s really all you need to know about me. But if you insist on having more details, here are just a few of the things that make me “me”: … [Read more…]
Long Hollow Women
Keep it Simple Sister

Do you ever get tangled up in conversations where people are striving to clarify Truth? Throughout the course of a day, waves of voices and opinions come to us, tagged with five words: All You Need to Know. It takes extraordinary discernment and energy to process all of it. And for some of us, it’s … [Read more…]
Colossians Study, Week 9: Relevant vs. Relative

Relevant: having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand. Relative:not absolute. Living a Relevant life in a Relative World would be a good title for Colossians 3 and 4. Paul makes a transition in chapter 3 from talking about doctrine and who we are in Christ to how to apply these truths. It does little … [Read more…]

I so admire lovely lawns. Beautiful flowers, well-manicured shrubs, nice “hardscapes” with decorative stones. Longingly browsing through a Southern Living magazine tempts me to covet. I wish. I sigh. Then I snap back to reality. Pretty yards are hard work, and most are either done by someone who is truly gifted with a green thumb, … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week 8 (Stop Listening to Those Lies!)

Have you ever struggled with guilt? Duh! We all have. I think sometimes that is my middle name! I feel guilty about something I’ve done or said or didn’t do or didn’t say! In this week’s study, Paul was continuing his conversation with the Colossians reminding them that there was no need to feel guilty, … [Read more…]
I Got Chopped

I live in the fun little metropolis known as Springfield, Tennessee. Each year our town has this amazing event called The Taste of Country. It’s a full day filled with food, music, food, games, food, vendors… did I mention food? Traditionally there is always some type of cooking competition on that day. This year was … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week 7 – Someone Needs This Encouragement!

The fact that our debt has been cancelled by Christ’s death on the cross is good news! If that is the case, why is it that we walk around defeated so often? Possibly, it’s because we fail to remember the other good news that Paul shares in Colossians: [Tweet “Jesus’ death on the cross not … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week Six

“My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and … [Read more…]
Colossians Study: Week Four (Jump Right In!)

Here’s an extra blessing for you this week: Click here to see Rachel Lorance’s video of me on the high ropes swing as mentioned in the video. I know you wanted to see! Now, on to the important stuff… Have you ever thought about writing a mission statement for yourself or your family? Several years ago … [Read more…]

As a group fitness instructor, I know how good stretching is for you. Perhaps most notably, stretching helps to keep muscles elastic and increase your range of motion. But you might be surprised to know that it can also help increase strength, power, and endurance. Now, let me confess that I don’t stretch as often … [Read more…]