Hello, friends! Here’s our first installment of this summer’s study of Colossians. I am so excited to walk through this book with you I can barely stand it! For those who were unable to join us for last week’s Women’s Gathering (5/29), you were missed! A quick bit to catch you up:
RHYTHMS is a new experience for Long Hollow Women that exists to provide a safe place for us, as women – where we can love and be love to others, whether gathered physically, virtually, or however else we connect – during all seasons of life. We are thrilled to launch this study on Colossians through the summer and plan to gather again on August 21 for a time of rest, relaxation, and worship.
For this study in particular, remember – this is your space, ladies! Don’t leave me hanging here by myself! Encourage each other & ask questions in the comment section below and share these brief videos with others on your own blogs, social media, in emails – whatever you need to do in order to make the summer one to remember! I am believing God to do an unimaginable work among us that we can celebrate at RHYTHMS this August.
How can you be intentional this week?
Well, I’m so glad you asked! Here are a few tips:
- Download the new RHYTHMS wallpaper for your device(s) for help in remembering our collective prayer for LH Women.
- Join us any THURSDAY (this week, or any week this summer) at Chick-Fil-A in Rivergate between 9-11AM for a simple time of fellowship with female members of Long Hollow staff – it’s like a grab-bag, you just never know who might be there!
- Share your thoughts with us here!
Are you ready?! Let’s go!
Will you join me this summer in striving to be known by our faith and love – by our hope in Jesus Christ? I’m all in, friends! Hope you are, too!
Thanks Julie for doing this study! Since we are moving to Michigan today, it was a pleasure to see and hear your thoughts on God’s Word as I’m sitting on our deck, while the movers pack our stuff into boxes
I look forward to next week as I watch from our new home. Technology is wonderful!!
I’m watching from Michigan too!
You’re not alone. 
Woot! I’m in!
Anyone interested in doing an evening get together like the ladies are doing on Thursday mornings or is there one already going? some of us just can’t get out of corporate america for a morning get together….we could meet in rivergate or hendersonville
Great idea, April! We know the morning option isn’t ideal for all, but it’s a start! Who’s game for evening meet-ups this summer?
I would love an evening option!
I would love an evening option also.
Thanks Julie!
I would be interested. Open to either of those two areas as well. 530 on works best for me. Would like to say 5pm but never know with the by-pass traffic.
Love the emphasis that we, according to the way God sees us and what we’ve inherited through Jesus, are saints! I need to remember every day that Jesus makes me a better woman than I am on my own…and then live like it, with His Holy confidence!
Julie, I LOVE this new virtual study. Thanks for reminding us to keep the faith. I look forward to the weeks ahead and the ability to feel as if I’m right there with you even though we may be miles apart! So excited to see where God will take each of His daughters thru this study.
I love this!! I am in a season of feeling defeated, so a word on hope is just what I needed to hear. Thank you for doing this study virtually!!!
Thank you Julie! Love Colossians…thank you for your insight.
Love this!! Thank you!! look forward to this!!!
Thank you Julie for making this available to us! I have spent much time in Colossians and look forward to hearing what God has to say through you! How comforting it is to know when we think our world is falling apart that God is still in control and using our hardest days to make us more like Him. The enemy reminds me daily of my failures in this life, but as I put my hope in Christ He reminds me of His unending love for me. I can’t imagine life without Him!
So thankful for this study! I love Julie’s teaching of the Word! In this season of my life, this is so needed. So glad to be following along!
Thank you Julie, I am looking forward to this study.
Thank you Lord that our hope comes from You!
Thanks Julie for doing this study. You are an incredible leader. Love your heart!
Thanks so much for making this study available!! Also the Rhythms event
was a fulfilling drink of Jesus. Thanks to all who made this happen. :))))
My heart is so blessed by this! When life gets crazy over the summer, this can be a time of rejuvenation for us all. Thank you for making so many opportunites for us to grow in faith together and apart.
I would love the evening option on Thursday evenings as well.
Thank you for the online option, I’ve been looking for a way to ‘plug in’ and am looking forward to the next installment!
Julie, thank you so much for this wonderful tool to study God’s word. I am sitting here in my pajamas thanking God for the way Long Hollow ministers to women, no matter where they are. Love you!
I am in Michigan at a Life Action Family Camp. Desiring to soak up the Word of God. So for my afternoon break I was able to listen to the first session on the book of Colossians! I love the access to a bible study online no matter where you are. GOD is good and His word is so fulfilling. Thank you Julie for your love for women to grow in the knowledge of God’s word!
I am excited to be a part of this study!!
Hope this is ongoing~
Julie, I just found out about this study today when I got your email. Thanks so much for offering this study of Colossians online. I ,too, am in Michigan ( for the summer) so will look forward to being in this study each week with you. I even have some of my close girlfriends in Katy, Texas doing this. Love and Prayers, Cindy Way
Thank you for this study. It is what I needed for this summer!
Thanks Julie, I love being able to do this study without having to leave the house.
You spoke just what I was thinking Marie Buck could not have said it better myself. I work and go to nursing school full time, and miss church so much I am thankful for this and will share it so my fellow nursing students can enjoy also. Thank you so much what a great idea.
Thanks for this opportunity Julie. No, I don’t see a saint when I look in the mirror, mostly wrinkles and bags!! haha I’m going to look closer next time, it’s in there somewhere. Just read a verse yesterday that reminds me to stay in the word. Phil. 3:10 That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.
My prayer for all of us as we walk through Colossians, that we may know Him more, and live in the power of HIS resurrection.
I love that it’s not too late to jump in on this study. Good reminder today that I am a part of God’s good news and that He is the reason that we have hope. That can never be heard and taught enough. All we need is faith in Jesus Christ.
Hope is a spark that can be the difference between life or death. It’s a real thing and not just “in your mind.” Looking forward to starting this, started late but I’ll catch up with you this week. Blessings!