Daniel Teaser

THE EXILES (A Study of Daniel, Part 1)

Money, power, and fame were within his grasp. He was a man of good looks, profound intellectual skill, and wisdom that evaded the reach of his peers. Something like the American Dream dangled before the prophet Daniel as a youth positioned in the ancient kingdom of Babylon, yet he resisted it with a determination unknown to most.  Daniel fixed his faith on the God He loved to serve and would, against insurmountable pressures, serve him until the end.

This is why Daniel is so captivating to me. In many ways, he is like us, fixed in a culture bent against the one true God, surrounded by alluring idols, and, no doubt, tempted. Yet his awe-inspiring faith is something I think few possess. The questions come to us then…why did Daniel have such faith in God?! Why didn’t he, like many of us, buckle to the pressures, the seductions of the world system? Well, isn’t that exactly why we study…to answer such questions. I invite you to walk with me and watch Daniel’s life unfold, revealing a life full of faithfulness. Something that, believe it or not, we too can have.

Bible study begins OCTOBER 9…pray about joining us!!

Seek HIS presence continually!!


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