Spring 2015 Studies

Come be a part of a new study this Spring semester!

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12


Hendersonville Campus


Tuesday  Studies (Beginning March 3)

Click here to sign up for one of our new studies

Childcare is provided for on-campus studies at no cost to you, but you MUST register in advance.



005371581Nehemiah: A Heart that Can Break

Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (beginning March 24)

Room 233

Nehemiah’s heart was so broken for those in need that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to help them. Like Kelly’s other studies in the Living Room Series, you’ll find authentic Bible teaching, recipes, and a relational approach. Nehemiah also includes 7 video sessions and real-life ways to put feet to your faith. Are you ready to let God break your heart for a hurting, lost world and move you in compassion to be the hands and feet of Jesus?



Fight Back with Joy 

Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (beginning March 17)

Room 227

Learn to practice joy, defiant joy. Sooner or later, we find ourselves on the battlefield of life and struggle to know how to respond. But God says, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15). On that fateful day, King Jehoshaphat and his army marched forward rejoicing. Though we can choose from many weapons, God wants to empower us to fight back with joy. Join Margaret Feinberg for this 6-session Bible study that will help you embrace a life that’s richer and fuller than you’ve ever known before—a life radiant with joy.


Regina Gibson Colossians


Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (beginning March 3)

Room 228

Purity doesn’t begin with us; it begins with the preeminence of Christ. When we are captivated by the brilliant beauty of Jesus we are spared captivity to the sin and corruption eroding our world. Purity happens when we see God as He is and believe Him. Purity unfolds in the life of one whose heart intertwined with Christ. Join this 6 week study in the book of Colossians with light homework.

Freefall to Fly


Freefall to Fly

Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m. (beginning March 3)


Click here to access the study!

Freefall to Fly examines our callings, how they grow from the place where your burdens and gifts collide. Discover your gifting in the context of community.

God wants women to wake up to their birthright, their gifts, and become what He created them to be. It is a unique place when you discover that your talents collide with the things that burden you and stir a passion within you. It is a journey of vulnerability and courage into the unknown – a thrilling, terrifying freefall that eventually can lead to flight. Searching for meaning, we often stumble upon surrender, discovering that meaning follows surrender.

This study is a breathtaking journey toward a life of meaning as women walk through six stages with Rebekah to find meaning and purpose as individuals and within community. This Bible study will challenge women to breathe deeply and take similar steps of faith in their personal journey of surrender.


Your Influence Matters


Did Momentum spark a fire in you for wanting to pursue the leadership potential God has placed inside of you?  We want everything we do as leaders at home, in the workplace, & beyond to come from the overflow of the time we spend with Jesus. Like Him, we want to be in sync and aligned with the Father.

Long Hollow Women invite you to join us on Sunday evenings beginning March 1 to discover how to better craft your personal life-role leadership. Let’s not just adopt a personal mission statement with this life we’re given. Let’s actually apply our passion, purpose, and potential to who we are and what we do! We’ll be going through the leadership study Lead Like Jesus, starting with the heart behind leadership.

Join us: Sunday, March 1| 6PM | LH Hendersonville Student Building

We will meet in the chapel March 8, 15, 22, and 29.

LH Women’s Influence Training is offered all five Sundays this March. Childcare is provided!


Tuesday Morning Bible Studies (Beginning January 20)

Childcare is available at no cost to you, however you MUST register your children ahead of time.

Click here to register for the study of your choice & free childcare, if needed.


PUP_Cover_Romans4.inddPrecept Upon Precept: Romans, Part 4

Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. 

Room 225

The righteous shall live by faith! Do you live out your faith? What practical things can you do to show that you have been justified? Romans 12 – 16 are very practical chapters! You will learn how redemption, justification, and propitiation enable you to live righteously as you serve God.

(Description taken from precept.org)

Chronological Bible Studies


Chronological Bible

Join a group of ladies who will be reading through the Bible chronologically, and enjoy small group discussion about each week’s reading. There are several groups being led, so check out the schedule to see which group best fits your schedule.

Sundays at Hendersonville campus (began January 4th) — 4:30 p.m. in Room 227

Every other Monday (began January 5th) — off campus from 6:30-8:00; For more information, email Stephanie Finch at stephfinch@comcast.net.

Every Thursday (beginning January 15) — off campus from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. For more information, email Lu Smith at lusmith511@icloud.com.

Additional Groups to Choose From


BibleC.H.E.W. (Cherishing Highly Every Word)

Led by Tina Davis

Start Date: Monday, January 19 from 7:11 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Location: Off Campus

Have you been in a spiritually dry place? Do you long for the refreshing power of God’s word in your life? All you need is a bible – a journal – and a heart to spend time in His word. Consider the benefits of chewing regular food as shared on a medical website:

Chewing breaks your food down from large particles into smaller particles that are more easily digested. This also makes it easier for your intestines to absorb nutrients and energy from the food particles as they pass through, while also preventing improperly digested food from entering your blood and causing a wide range of adverse effects to your health.

NOW REREAD that same paragraph thinking with your spiritual mind about your spiritual food. Oh ladies, let’s CHEW on His word together!

Email Tina Davis for more information at thetribeoffive@hotmail.com.


iMom Bible Study/DIY (Beginning January 21)

005371583Join us this Spring as we kick off a new semester with alternating weeks of Bible Study and DIY craft days. iMom is an opportunity for you to focus on being an INTENTIONAL mom, while gaining spiritual and emotional encouragement and social connections. We want to help educate, equip, and encourage you to be the best mom!

Start date: Wednesday, January 21
Location: Main Worship Center at 9:30

Registration is required for iMom. The cost is $25.  If you will need childcare, the cost is $35.

Click here to Register for iMom



Check back soon for additional studies on campuses!

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