1. Marisa Combs

    You are absolutely right! And, let’s add this movie, “Magic Mike,” which had a 73% female viewing audience over the weekend at the box office. It is based on male stripping. C’MON PEOPLE!!

    • Jennifer Mills

      Yes, Marissa!! I totally agree with you here too!! Scary how deceived our women can get b/c of hype from the entertainment industry!

  2. Betsy Langmade

    Julie – thanks for speaking up on this. I’m so tired of being intimidated by a culture that has been ravaged by the untruths about the most important relationships God has gifted us with. It’s time we wake up and speak up for the sake of loving well. So much emptiness around us. Let’s lead out with the unfailing love of God!

  3. Sandra Huddleston

    Loved your post (& the links) and have encouraged several friends to read it as well. Hopefully, they’ll encourage their friends to do the same. Maybe it will be just the right words to quench any desire someone may have to read the books.

    • Michelle Bivens

      Julie, thank you for taking a stand on this issue. Thank you for leading the women in the right way! I hope this helps everyone see the need not to put this stuff in their minds! Satan uses it as an attack on the hearts and minds of those who read it-it is a trap! Thank you for the links, too. I am very thankful to have someone like you, a woman of integrity, leading our women’s ministry!

  4. Carrie

    Way to go Julie! How necessary it is for women of today to be challenged in this way…to not be sucked in to the worldly pleasures, but instead, (as you said) to allow the holy spirit dwelling in us, to be our complete joy and pleasure! What’s even more scary, is that our young girls seem to know way too much about this book series…that is what scares me!

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