By the time you read this, our Uganda team will be well into our first
day across the world. Right now we are sitting at the Detroit airport
for six hours before we depart! I’ve been asking around and here are some
words that describe what team members are feeling: excited, anxious,
blessed with the opportunity to go, tired, ready to get there, wondering what
God is going to do, and longing to see His face in a different place.
It is our privilege to go and minister in two different orphanages
that Long Hollow has helped to build in Mbira and Kyotera. We will be
doing VBS, serving the elderly in the village church, and ministering to
the women in the village. Tony and Kristi Applegate and their five
children will be our host for the week and we hope to provide them
encouragement and help.
Uganda has a population of 35,873,253. The life expectancy is 53. 49%
of the population is under the age of 15. The orphan population in
this country alone is 2,500,000.
Please pray for us. Our team is 15 strong and we are excited about
all that God has in store for us. If you want to be specific, please
pray for:
Our health and safety
Unity among team members
More than anything, pray that we make much of Jesus!
We will try to keep you updated through the week. Check Facebook or back
here on our blog!
Til He Shouts,
Julie Woodruff
Women’s Minister
Long Hollow Baptist Church