If you’re from the South, you’ve said it, like at least a thousand times: “Why, bless their heart.” Although it’s often meant as a “poor thing” type of statement, speaking blessings into and over someone’s life is love, is right, and is biblical! Moses blessed the twelve tribes, specifically and individually, before he died and … [Read more…]
Long Hollow Women
A Little More Faith
The trees in our backyard dress themselves in flower of purest white. Dancing on the breeze just long enough to dazzle you with their splendor and flurry to the ground like snow. They blew happily everywhere, springtime snow chasing little children with eyes big enough to see Gods world as it really is wondrous. Spring paints … [Read more…]
Blue Hair and Tattoos

No White Shoes Before Easter!! I recently got blue highlights in my hair – yes true blue highlights. At 53 I have naturally silver hair so you can imagine everyone’s surprise (well except those that truly know me) at the bright blue streaks in my hair. I’ve always thought of hair as an accessory – … [Read more…]
What Would My 40 Say to My 20?

Oh if I could go back and plop down on my twin bed in the Rutledge Dorm room right next to my 20 year old self. We’d both be in sweats, still hoping to lose the “freshman 10″ and we’d both be fighting to live in the present moment without fear of the future and regrets from the past. … [Read more…]
Being the Unexpected Fragrance of Christ – Online

For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. ~ 2 Corinthians 2:15, HCSB We move and communicate daily on our favorite social media networks and do it before a global audience. When we declare our identity in Christ, the world leans in. … [Read more…]
Mirror, Mirror

We use mirrors every day. I mean, we females usually balk at going out in public not knowing whether our hair looks right, or our clothes look appropriate, or our mascara isn’t smudged. Or, perhaps the most widely used reason by most women: do these pants make my backside look big? The truth is we … [Read more…]

From time to time I find myself watching the show Hoarders. Not really sure why. I don’t enjoy it. It’s like watching a train wreck – once it’s on I simply cannot turn it off. I find myself sitting there, mouth hanging open, watching as someone literally buried in their own possessions and frankly trash … [Read more…]
The Flipside of Overscheduled Families

The world says, “You can’t make it in life unless you’re constantly pushing yourself and your family. Those parents admired most are the ones who do it all.” We say, “I don’t want my child left behind. I don’t want to be seen as lazy, uninformed, and uncaring. Life feels like a stressful, endless race … [Read more…]

Early on in our marriage, Clay and I knew without a doubt that there were some definite differences. I cry during the Grey’s Anatomy when Denny dies even though I’ve seen that episode 5 times and he gets excited about a History Channel program. The floor on his side of the bed is perfectly clear … [Read more…]
Worship from Momentum 2014

Wow, ladies! What an incredible experience God gave us at Momentum last night. We hope you have been moved to take action in some area of your life or another. Remember, we are here for you! Let us know how we can help you take that next step God has called you to take. Here’s … [Read more…]