Hi, friends! Thanks again for joining us as we walk through the book of Colossians this summer. For this week’s post, I loved having Jennifer Landrith with me to talk through how she has been “strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy giving thanks to the Father … [Read more…]
Marching Orders

If you were blessed by attending “Momentum,” then you probably left feeling, even reeling, as I did: Lord, I realize this world is a place of incredible spiritual warfare. There are huge battles being waged against deep darkness. I need to go; I need to MOVE! But where, Lord? How do you want to use … [Read more…]
The Weak are Strong

Whether or not we know it, we are all incredibly weak. Do you remember when Jesus said this… Luke 12 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious … [Read more…]
All Patched Up

I have this fabulous pair of Levi’s that I got when my oldest daughter was in high school. That was 10 years ago and I can’t let them go. Recently I looked down to see my knees peeking through the worn threads of these beloved jeans. Seeking a remedy without having to trash my favorite … [Read more…]
Are You Worn Out?

When was the last time you were worn out? Maybe from a lack of sleep because of little ones. Or maybe you are stressed over things in your life that are out of your control. Or maybe worry over your kids, parents, finances, work, marriage has got you at the end of your rope and … [Read more…]
How Does He Know?

How does he know? I ask that question every time I attempt (notice the word attempt) to do my Insanity video. For those of you who might not know what Insanity is, it’s a DVD exercise series that is really INSANE. You see, I’m 52 now and have vowed to stay in shape. My mother … [Read more…]
Run! I don’t want to run! Run! Please God I don’t want to run! I’m too old to start this now! Run! This conversation kept running through my head as I stared at it – a facebook post recruiting women to join a group to train for a ½ marathon. Who in their right mind … [Read more…]
When you became a believer, did you think it would be easy? I am not sure I thought it would be easy, but I sure didn’t think it would be as hard as it’s been! I mean, we’re following Christ…why would that be anything but blessed all the time? Truly, the Christian journey has been … [Read more…]