The trees in our backyard dress themselves in flower of purest white. Dancing on the breeze just long enough to dazzle you with their splendor and flurry to the ground like snow. They blew happily everywhere, springtime snow chasing little children with eyes big enough to see Gods world as it really is wondrous. Spring paints … [Read more…]
Author: Regina Gibson
Memorize Scripture With Your Kids

Is there even time for this? The sink is overflowing. The laundry yet undone (just when I think I’ve reached the end, I realize I must begin again, smile). There’s beds to be made. Computer work to get done. Where in this life full to the brim is there time to sit and memorize Scripture … [Read more…]
Time to Pray

Does it ever feel to you like a day’s worth of work just to get yourself dressed & ready and the kiddos as well? Does it ever seem that a 10 minute shower is a luxury? Do you ever feel the slightest bit weary in disciplining? Can it sometimes seem that life is pressing in … [Read more…]
The Weak are Strong

Whether or not we know it, we are all incredibly weak. Do you remember when Jesus said this… Luke 12 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious … [Read more…]
A Beautiful Woman of Discretion

“Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout, so is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion.” (Proverbs 11:22) The first time this verse ever stuck with clarity occurred during dinner one evening at my mentor’s home. Her husband, our church’s pastor at the time, called this verse to remembrance. He looked at me with a … [Read more…]
Everyday Warfare: Idleness

Idleness. Do you battle it? To be a Christian means to be in war, always. Everyday contains battle. Perhaps battles. Sometimes we are out for the count, unaware that what we perceive to be insignificant is actually the ground God intends for us to take for His glory according to His will. Everything you do … [Read more…]
A Psalm A Day

“The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5-6 Psalm 16 hands down stands out as one of my favorite Psalms in all the Psalter. The beautiful truths it contains are enough to satisfy … [Read more…]
Daniel Teaser

THE EXILES (A Study of Daniel, Part 1) Money, power, and fame were within his grasp. He was a man of good looks, profound intellectual skill, and wisdom that evaded the reach of his peers. Something like the American Dream dangled before the prophet Daniel as a youth positioned in the ancient kingdom of Babylon, yet he … [Read more…]
Want Not
Buzzing in and out of stores today with my beautiful mother, reminded me of one haunting thing: the buying of stuff is addicting and at the very least dangerous. As a friend said the other day, “shopping begets shopping.” Scripture says it another way in Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you … [Read more…]
The Sweetest Fragrance
I love my local grocery store!! It just has the most fun cashiers and baggers ever, and they even walk you out to the car!! With two precious kiddos, it doesn’t get much sweeter than that. We frequent the store so we recognize nearly everyone and what’s more they recognize us, that’s how you know … [Read more…]